January 1, 2011
(A big thanks for this Guest Post by Brian Jenkins, with some great websites for exploring future career choices – Enjoy!)
Useful Online Resources to Get Your Kids Excited About Careers
One way to kids get excited about future careers is by exploring the world of work. Although most career information is designed for high school students and adults, there are some excellent career-based websites designed for kids. Through these websites, homeschooled children have the opportunity to explore a variety of jobs in diverse career fields.
Let’s take a look at some of the best career websites geared towards kids:
U.S. Government Portal
Kids.gov, the official kids portal for the U.S. Government, provides an extensive list of careers for children to explore. The website includes a grades K-5 section and a grades 6-8 section. The website also provides some very good career links for kids.
The Students and Career Advisors web page, provided by CareerOneStop, has a variety of career information and links to other useful CareerOneStop web pages. The section called “Identify Your Interests” helps kids answer the following questions:
- What are your interests?
- What are your talents?
- How will they fit into a career?
The “Explore Careers” section helps kids answer the following questions:
- Which careers are the best fit for you?
- Which are likely to have job openings?
- How much money can you earn?
(CareerOneStop is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration.)
What Do You Like?
What Do You Like? is provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and offers information for kids about a number of career topics, including:
- Law
- Reading
- Building & fixing things
- Science
- Sports
- Music & arts
- Managing money
- Helping people
- Nature
- Social studies
- Computers
Fun Works
The Fun Works website is designed for middle-school students. Kids explore ways their favorite activities translate into STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) careers and other types of careers.
Fun Work’s web page, Fun Games, uses games to help kids explore a variety of careers. The website offers the following game categories:
- Music
- Arts & Design
- Sports
- Exploration
- Technology
- Medicine & Law
Mapping Your Future
Mapping Your Future is another website designed for middle and high school students.
Career Kids
Career Kids offers descriptions of a wide variety of careers.
GirslGoTech is a great website sponsored by the Girl Scouts. Girls have the opportunity to explore careers in science, math, and technology. The website includes a list of activities that may interest girls and careers associated with these activities.
Career Day
Besides using online resources, parents of homeschooled kids can also hold a career day on a weekend. Working parents discuss their own jobs and perhaps interesting jobs at their workplaces. Trades and professional associations as well as the local Chamber of Commerce may be helpful in finding guest speakers.
Through exploring a variety of careers, kids may find some careers to get excited about. There’s a good chance they’ll change their mind before entering college, but a strong interest in a few careers can inspire them to study harder and see a connection between education and interesting careers.
Brian Jenkins writes about a number of education topics, including careers in high school education, for BrainTrack.

Posted under Career Choices
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Patricia Briggs
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