Scouting: a Fun Addition to Homeschooling Life

September 13, 2012

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Built his own birdhouse – part of learning about tools, carpentry, and birds.

My boys have been enjoying scouting throughout their childhoods and if you can find a nice troop to join, it can be a great addition to your homeschool life.

Reasons to join Cub and Boy scouts:

  1. Make friends in a new social group that meets on a regular basis.
  2. Quality adult mentors for your boys.
  3. Learning and developing skills on a variety of topics.
  4. Recognition of achievement with fun award system of patches, belt loops, etc.
  5. Network with other parents helping out their kids.
  6. Fun, fun, fun!!

    Homemade puddle jumpers – remember these?

Where to find a troop:

  1. Check with your local school district
  2. Check with local your churches – our local LDS (Mormon) church has great families involved in their troops and though not advertised, they welcome everyone regardless of religion.
  3. Type your zipcode on the Scouting Website and see who has a troop near you.
  4. Ask friends!!  The best recommendation for a good troop is from someone who loves theirs.

Caught his first fish 🙂

We’ve been exploring what the community has to offer and have really enjoyed our experiences with both 4H and Boy Scouts.  Do you community groups you participate in that you enjoy?

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Posted under Homeschool Activities


2 Comments so far

  1. docmisty November 6, 2012 8:08 am

    Great idea, Andrea! Especially when you’re looking for easy documentation to include in a transcript. You have all the badge descriptions to provide an easy starting point.

  2. Andrea September 21, 2012 8:12 am

    I wrote a young man’s high school portfolio and used a lot of the badge work as curriculum. Especially for history, science, and health.


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