March 20, 2012

We’ve all chosen to homeschool for a variety of reasons and many of us have discovered that every child is a bundle of different needs, learning styles, and undiscovered talents. Nurturing the creativity of our children fills the journey with diverse and amazing discoveries.
Homeschooling Nurtures Creativity

Henry presents Another reason to homeschool – Because teachers don’t like creative students posted at Why Homeschool saying, “One great benefit of homeschooling is our children can maintain their creative spirit.”
Linda Dobson presents Don’t Confuse Homeschooling Cause and Effect posted at Parent at the Helm.
Liz presents Urban Homeschooling: A time for activism? posted at Homeschooling In Buffalo saying, “I advocate for homeschooling as a solution to problems stemming from the competing interests in conventional schooling.”
Chris presents Socializing Your Home School and Public School Child posted at Home School vs. Public School saying, “When we find what inspires our children we are able to guide them to achieve their goals and learn about many different subjects. See what lights up their eyes with joy and the job of teaching becomes much easier!”
Michelle presents 10 Ways to Ensure Homeschool Burnout posted at The Holistic Homeschooler sharing “A tongue-in-cheek list of things a mom can do to ensure that she experiences homeschool burnout.
Homeschooling Creates family bonds

Kelly presents Why Homeschool? Retaining Sibling Relationships posted at The Homeschool Co-op saying, “Another installment in our “Why Homeschool?” series, this one looks at sustaining and deepening sibling relationships.”
Barbara presents When Grandparents Don’t Understand posted at Barbara Frank Online sharing, “”What do you do if your child’s grandparents are against homeschooling?”
Creating Works of Art

Pamela presents Trashy Art- Washed Ashore posted at Escape Is Possible saying, “A recent field trip to a marine rescue facility also provided some inspirational art.”
Cristina presents Home Spun comic strip #719 posted at Home Spun Juggling presenting a “comic and article about our family’s experiences with raising caterpillars.”
Creating and Following your interests

Nadene presents Kids Computer Research 101 posted at Practical Pages sharing a “basic tutorial on how to copy images from Wikipedia to a Word table and copy references.”
Tiffany presents The longest half posted at As For My House sharing, “Deciding how to schedule the second half of the school year, after falling far behind due to illness.”
Mindy presents Frugal Curriculum Choices Using 4-H posted at Denschool saying, “One homeschool mother shares the gold mine of information, curriculum and resources available through the 4-H program. It is more extensive than you might have thought and extremely affordable.”
Gidget presents Bubbleology and Designing Your Own Future posted at Homeschooling Unscripted sharing a fun “recipe for making long lasting bubbles.”
Creating Harmony with Each Other

Biracial homeschool graduate Jennifer Vaughn reviews the first book in Kim Wayans’ children’s 2008 book series about a fourth-grade, formerly-homeschooled multiracial girl trying to fit in a new school crowd in her article Novel Homeschoolers: ‘Amy HodgePodge: All Mixed Up‘ posted at à la mode de les Muses.”
Loving Nature’s Creations

Erin presents Toddler Nature Journal posted at Nirvana Homeschooling sharing, “How to incorporate even the littlest hands in nature study through a toddler nature journal.”
Steven presents Dinosaur Trackways posted at Hudson Valley Geologist.
Annie Kate presents The Sugar Bush posted at Tea Time with Annie Kate giving a fun glimpse into the world of maple syrup.
Creating Outside the Box

Carol presents Technique with Artistic Flair posted at Everything Home with Carol sharing, “A non-boring, artistic way to memorize math facts or other information.”
Kristen presents Homeschool Organization posted at A Little Homeschool Blog sharing, “A quick and simple dry erase board craft, made from a recycled frame, to aid in homeschool organization.”
I hope you’ve enjoyed all the great articles submitted to this edition of the Homeschool Blog Carnival along with a few glimpses into the creativity that fills our days. 🙂
Feel free to post a link to the carnival, tweet, or link via Facebook. I appreciate it!
Make sure to submit your post to next week’s carnival. For information: Carnival of Homeschooling.
Take care!

Posted under
Blog Carnivals